วันศุกร์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

LEARNING LOG Inside (Week 1)

LEARNING  LOG   (Inside Classroom)

วันอังคาร ที่4 เดือน มิถุนายน พ.ศ 2556

            Today was first class to be learned this subject with teacher Anirut. This subject is continuous from
Method in Teaching English as a Foreign Language subject with teacher Orada. This subject to be learn about Curriculum and Learning Management in English.
          Today I have learned, the first is the teacher to tell about this course, how about to learning in English. Then teacher write KWL and meaning in paper to show for us. word K is know, how I know about English of the learned, then word W is want, What I want to learning, and the last word L is learn, what I learn about English.
          The next, the teacher asked us one by one, we answer from my own knowledge. Then teacher give works on website to us to create a blog for put works in it. First works, the teacher ordered  to make learning log to put in blog, by to make learning log inside and outside classroom for test our knowledge.In learning log must have Introduction, body, and conclusion. Next the teacher gives our into Youtube to search VOA (Voice of America) for listen from VOA and write vocabulary, pronunciation, and meaning. Then the teacher want our makes LEARNING CONTRACT is contract for our class and agreement between teacher and students. And next works, the teacher gives our conversation with foreigners with SKYPE or FACEBOOK for exchanges to knowledge with each other and screen caps for put in my blog. After that, the teacher divides into groups, each groups 2-3 person for presentation assignment to review the old our knowledge from the learned and following topics.
          The last, before finish class in today, the teacher gives our summarize what I learn in classroom? and what I learn outside the classroom?. After that, we summarize what we learn today?. We reply in classroom for example : the planning processes, knowledge application, and out side for example: Listening - VOA/songs. Reading - Forum/students weekly. Writing - Facebook/Line/Smart phone/ Whats app. Native speakers.
          Things I have learned today is I learned responsibility for the homework, and efforts to be research knowledge and practice about skills to make me better and understand more English.

